UNIT OVERVIEW: This unit delivers students both theoretical and practical experiences in written communications and in writing compelling and convincing copy for advertising. The unit enables students to integrate strategic, creative and ideation processes into targeted advertisements and campaigns across traditional and non-traditional media. At the core of this unit will be the central creative idea and how this is transmitted through writing. This unit will be a combination of face-to-face lectures, workshops/group brainstorming, tutorials and guided independent learning through regular readings into cutting edge commercial copywriting practice and independent out-of-class assignments.
Assignment Work:
During this unit we had to execute a series of varying copy based off a brand and sound effect that we drew from a hat. I drew Specsavers and telephone ringing/notification. The execution required us to complete; short copy, copy only (no images), image only (no copy) and long copy (brochure). My final two extensions (image only and brochure) showed, in my opinion, a more promising campaign premise; "Specsappeal.: